Sponsor a Project
Here are a few examples of the several projects that AFSIA is working on in Zambia throughout the year for the benefit of students and communities.
Mitenge Village Secondary School
The cement block footing for the foundation has been laid for a three room secondary school. The next step is to pour the flooring slab.
The cement block footing for the foundation has been laid for a three room secondary school. After primary school, students must leave their homes in the village to attend school away from the protection of family. Offering a secondary school in the village, allows students to stay at home to complete their high school education. A school building can also be used for a village medical clinic and a church.
Sustainable Farming in the village of Mukonchi
Portioning baby porridge for local mothers' nutrition program
Growing local crops such as ground nuts, soy beans, and maize for nutritional porridge helps mothers learn how to feed their babies foods that promote health and growth.
Mothers' Nutrition Support
Bible Camp
Students from Kapiri Mposhi ready to go to camp
Students love to attend Teen Missions Bible Camp in Ndola for 4 weeks during their break from school at the end of each year. Many of these students have lived very difficult lives, losing parents, siblings and close friends, and experience many set backs and disappointments in life and come from homes where they often do not have enough to eat each day. At camp they are fed three meals a day, meet other orphans from around Zambia, participate in service team projects and learn practical skills they can bring home to their villages and families; with leadership training and learning about God's love for them, they are inspired to know that they are valuable and can make a difference in their communities.
Elderly Service Project
A widowed Grandmother receives a gift of maize, sugar, and oil from AFSIA sponsored students.
Many elderly people have been abandoned or orphaned when their adult children die. This woman had 7 children who all died of AIDS or other illnesses. Elderly people often are uneducated and not skilled to support themselves. Many live in homes without running water or toilets, and sleep on the floor. Many also have the added responsibility of caring for orphaned grandchildren. These elderly people are so grateful for the support of occasional gits of food to supplement their gardening efforts, help with yard work to maintain their surroundings, or donations of a mattress, clothing or other practical needs.
Older siblings are often tasked with caring for new babies so mothers can work in the fields.
Unlike accessible city health clinics, mothers in villages usually do not have a way to tell if their babies are growing and healthy. A Mother's Nutrition Support program can be the difference between life and death for little babies. The support program will bring a trained clinic worker with scales for weighing new babies and keeping track of baby growth. And the program will also teach mothers to feed their young toddlers a nutritious porridge with high protein will help save them from malnutrition issues once they stop breastfeeding.